Monday, June 9, 2008

From the Front: Chickenpox Report

Day One (yesterday): Chicken pox. At last, we know. Both boys got it. A hike in order, tiny red dots forming. Seda took them to Spencer's Butte. Trin caught 2 lizards (one of which bit him) and they saw a rattle snake close up. I am not hiking the Butte with that boy again. He manifests reptiles far too effectively. Particularly those with venom.

Day Two: Chickenpox are fun! You get cocktails three times a day (echinacea, Vitamin C, homeopathics and some in juice). You get Epsom salts in your bath. You get to watch the pox form and compare with your brothers to see who has the biggest. You have a story to tell.

Me: Stuffing mulch onto potato plants. Picking enough fava beans for 2 days. Battening down the hatches. Poised in the calm before the storm.

1 comment:

Seda said...

Thank you so much for your care of the children in the night! That is amazing support, to me, for me. I hope you got enough sleep!