Saturday, June 14, 2008

Calling Them Home

For the past 2 years, I have wondered what I can use to call my children home. I have coveted my neighbor's big bell as I've grown my lungs according to my childrens' lengthening boundaries. But today, I decided enough was enough as I hiked the 'hood in search of my eldest explorer.

The Universe responded. Dana and I discovered a garage sale only one block away. Sam got a "Need Help, Please Call Police!" sign that one could put on a dashboard in a state of peril if one were over the age of five. I got an antique sickle ($3.75!) and a book for my dad.

And an Official Boy Scout Bugle. That's right. I've never touched a piece of brass to my lips this lifetime.

The neighbors know it.

1 comment:

Seda said...

It's a very annoying unit - the kids'll come home just to get it to stop. :-)