Thursday, October 23, 2008


Last night, lying in bed with the boys and talkingtalkingtalking like a bunch of slumber-party delinquents, I laughed and said, "You know, when I was a little girl, I went to bed by myself -- usually while it was still light out -- and I had to think of all these tricky ways to try to get myself to sleep..."

"Mom. You could have just climbed out the window," said Trinidad, point blank.

"I wouldn't have dared --"

"Well, I would have," he said. "And I would have gone down the block 'til I found some new parents who were more sensible."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi girl,

Does Trin know that the old-fashioned meaning of sensible meant "with feeling"? If you had empathy and sympathy you were sensible. If you were just logical and reasonable, you had sense.

You're a person with sense and who is also sensible.

We're all sick but maybe next week we could exchange some sense?


hugs for you, sweetie!