Friday, February 20, 2009

If The Shoe Fits....

Sam: My shoes are too small.

Trin: Your feet grew.

Sam: No. They're just too small.

Trin: That's because your feet grew.

Sam: No. They fit five minutes ago!

Trin: Feet grow fast.

Sam: Look at them. (The boys compare foot size.) See? They're smaller than yours.

Trin: Well, compare them to Mama's. They get bigger as you do.

Sam: I want to take them off and try again.

Trin (aside, to me): Sam doesn't want his feet to grow because he likes his cowboy boots so much.

Sam (to me): My shoes are still to small. My feet are cramped.

Me: What are you going to do about it?

Sam: Maybe eat some ice cream? When I eat cold things I shrink up.

Me: Hmmm.

Sam: Maybe. Or maybe I'll just try them again. (He takes them off and puts them on.) There! Now they fit.

To be continued....

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