Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a Used Christmas....

Every value of my own that is embraced by my children fills me with awe and is worth a celebration.

"Mom? Tomorrow can we glue this piece back on the Jumanji game we just unwrapped? It's supposed to go here, see? It just got torn. It was like that when we unwrapped it."

"Sure, honey. Glad you thought of it."

"I'm guessing this came from Goodwill!" says Sam, smiling proudly.

I grin back. "Actually, it came from S--. We guessed you'd like it, so I just wrapped it up."

"We sure do!" they said.

The skateboard top quality and already broken in, the well-loved snare drum, kindly refurbished.... We're not the first, and we may be the last stop for these gifts that Santa brings -- but I doubt it.

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