Sunday, May 18, 2008

What Grows In Good Dirt

This week has marked a shift in my eldest son's development: he has become project oriented. I have to say that this new phase delights me no end. Sometimes I wonder how I've managed to be a focus-divided, careshowering mother for so long. As Trin helped me shovel 2 yards of compost out of the back of our neighbor's pickup, I sighed deeply to a small voice inside: "This...this is what I've been waiting for." (With the niggling embarrassment and sadness that I would not be entirely delighted with the present always, that I would "wait" for anything my children might or might not have to offer. And a smile of acceptance as well, for me in all my hopeful presentfutureness.)

It felt like an imminent drumroll, this determination that Trinidad suddenly showed around Working the Garden. I have fostered and supported his workplay for years: endless bug collection, weed transplanting, making and selling "good garden dirt" to neighbors, bizarre concoctions of "tea" to be fed to plants, chicken-catching, bee watching and rabbit shepherding.

As we shoveled, side by side, we talked about my work history (from age 5), growing independence, community-building, and his hopes and dreams for the future. We talked about his 2 foot square garden plot. We talked about how much we enjoyed each other's company.

The garden, he tells me, is a great place to grow.

For more on gardening with children, here's an article written by Nick Routledge and me that linked up to the Guardian blog last winter. I welcome any of your favorite "gardening w/kids" articles (links) and references, as I have had a personal request for them.

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