Saturday, September 10, 2011

Into Light

According to Sam, this is what is needed to gain a new skill: Experience and experimentation. He is satisfied with this assessment and not drawn to say more about it.

But I will. Experience we amass from birth, perhaps before. Experience guides our experimentation, gives it the wings of angels to teach us what we most need to know, whether we like the outcome or not. (Do we experiment in our first moment of awareness, or is experience that awareness simply put -- the tabula rosa of our existence here on Earth?) Ongoing experimentation is a way of pulling ourselves forward, integrating yesterday with tomorrow in this only moment we are given: Now.

Our experiments are the seeds of plants well established. These are not new skills we are "gaining" -- they are fully realized abilities that we have always harbored, waiting for the season in which they are to emerge. And so we root, flourish, and flower to give seed again and again, realizing the divine beings that we ever are.

I watch you, young Sam, with eyes that strive to take in your whole being, your living potential, your infinite Being stretching into light. And I honor the learning I experience in your hands.

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