Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day and a Remodel

Happy Mothers Day to each of you who daily shepherds souls upon this plane!

Seda and I celebrated the day together as my sweetheart dove into a mysterious plot with the boys about Mother's day breakfast. They put up a feast: cinnamon bagels with peanut butter, salsa, chocolate sauce and apples. This delicacy is designed to be piled one upon the other and eaten. Seda ate two. I enjoyed one and found them to taste just as interestingly as they sound. The boys made us cards, too, and Sam continued wishing us a Happy Mother's Day until he fell into bed.

I took Seda up to the tree house and we did a 30 minute meditation together about mothering which was very sweet for us both. In the middle of it, one of our beehives decided to swarm. I guess it heard the importance of birthing and abundance in the air. We decided to forego our walk in the park for the adventure of donning bee gear and attempting a capture.

Just as we got the bees in a box, a neighbor came to tell us that another swarm had showed up three doors down. At that point, the boys forgot to stay inside as we'd told them to and Sam got stung. He was shocked and scared because he'd forgotten the bees would be feeling irritated. We treated it, then walked to the neighbors to see a lovely swarm balling on a tree limb, completely accessible.

We tried to locate another bee person who would like it, and just at that time, the bees we'd put into our box vacated, so we caught the new swarm ourselves. This whole procedure took a couple of hours, but we ended up with 10-15,00 gorgeous bees and a queen that we were able to gift to a friend who is just getting started.

It is a gift to us to give. This friend, David, is backing us in a very big plan we are now embarking on: a remodel! We have decided that the living room (futon) is no longer a decent bedroom for Seda, and she has designed a bedroom/office/laundry (w/composting toilet and sink) wing that will sit where the strawberry beds are now. David has tipped the scales in making this possible by offering many scavenged materials and his time and expertise in foundation work.

I can hardly believe we're going to do it. I'm terrified -- what if I don't have what it takes? The energy, the patience, the strength? If I don't, I guess it takes a lot longer to complete. Maybe they fire me as mother, lover, and project support. Not likely, now that I ponder it.

My hopes? I envision that this experience brings us all closer as a family. I see us learning how to better support each other physically, emotionally, and in our learning as we all push our comfort zone in every way. I see us sharing a meaningful adventure, and being aware and awake to it's value and repercussions. I see us all learning new skills (especially me and the boys) and becoming more physically fit. I see us giving and receiving in our community on new levels as we seek help in all phases. (Let me know if you'd like to be on the list!) I envision a beautiful new home that meets our growing needs as a family.

Wow. Celebrations and new challenges to embark upon. I am grateful for the rich tapestry of my life before me.

I am a lucky mom.


Seda said...

I am, too. I'm infinitely blessed to be your very good friend. The meditation was awesome, so beautiful and perfect. I wish I could just keep it always on top of my heart.

Anonymous said...

Happy M-day to both of you sweeties!

But I think I would have passed on the breakfast--yuck--or sitting in the treehouse!

Excitement at the Colliers, for sure. Never a day without a swarm, a compost pile, or a hug from a mom.

I called my mom and Max offered me some help with my web site, which is about as far as he's willing to go with a holiday not owned by him.

My wish for you two is that your sons would grow up as beautiful as mine is. That you will be blessed and bless the world with the wonder of boys who are free of all the crap that our society loads down on men. They can be powerful and glorious without power and glory. More than a swarm, I can feel their great hugs as they will take us up in their arms to create a world for us full of love.
