Monday, August 11, 2008


My boys, I hesitate to tell you how beautiful I find you, because I want you to feel it from the inside first and not lean on my experience of it. I want to own my view of beauty in moments such as those when the sun catches the edge of one of your cheeks and sets it aglow like a summer peach. Or when your large eyes flash the inner workings of your heart before trying on the clothes of coolness to impress your friends, all ease and cleverness.

My breath is taken by both your softness and the callouses you are developing as you make your way in a world I still see as new to you. Every glimpse of beauty bittersweet.

As we left a cousin's wedding Friday night, Trinidad smiled widely. "I liked that wedding. It was beautiful," he said. "In just the right way. I like it when things are beautiful... but not too beautiful."

Maybe "bittersweet" is just one more muscle to build.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,

Oh, this is a stitch. Belongs on "Children Say the Damnedest Things," but they are beautiful, very.

Mine got home in one piece from his adventures and my longing to see him is as high as it was when he was five.

Enjoy that beauty!