"I was playing basketball in my bedroom when my brother, Trin, called for me. I wondered if he wanted to talk to me about a giant spider that I saw a couple days ago. It turned out that he wanted to give me tips on how to make a good picture. I said that I didn't want any tips, exept for money tips. Mom laughed."
I have printed it exactly as Sam wrote it: spelling, capitalization, grammar. I am delighted with his ability to express himself at barely eight years old!
This is what he had to say about writing afterward: "When you play video games, you get done and you always want more. When you write something like this, you go 'oh, now I got that out!' and then you [feel ready] to do all kinds of other things you like to do. Because you got it out. And it feels good."
What an important point to make! I had been sharing with the boys my joys in witnessing their art for the evening (Trinidad was drawing landscapes with the guidance of an art book from my mom while Sam drew or wrote) and told them that one of my concerns in making computer games accessible is that they would always use the time doing that instead of using their imagination and (in my mind) growing their souls. Then Sam pointed out the above.
Wow. The difference between hungry and full, yearning and content. I had never thought of it that way.
Trinidad, on the other hand, earnestly argued for full reign of all of his faculties with computer access included so that he could grow his ability to choose and discipline himself.
I think he has something there, too, and as usual, it asks more growth from me. :)